Here we complete 5 years of being married. It took a while for me to
comprehend that we are literary completing 5 years of tying a knot. Time did fly by. Path that we crossed so far was not all roses. We crossed a million
hiccups and zillion arguments. Eventually we are learning to quickly settle
down for a common agreement or to keep the ends open and parallel rather than holding on things and letting it create void.

I feel we have grown together in this span of years to be more wise humans,
companions and of course as evolving parents. Evolving with you is something I will cherish forever. Trust me it is none less than living best of both worlds to be with you. No doubt we still have a long to go for improvements in terms of individuals and relationship too, we are still full of imperfections, but the best thing that has happened is embracing each other as we were/are.

I look up to you as my hope, rock solid support to whom I would forever see
backing me, someone who would stand for me even the phase where I may not be able to stand for myself and of course someone who would keep showering love infinitely.

I know we don’t show/say it often, but we know deep down that it exists for
more gravity and meaning now than before, and it will continue to be so for the years to come.

Wish us (belated) very happy anniversary.


Yours truly

आई हैं खुशियों का पेगाम लेके बहारें
ये पल है अपना, इस पल में आओ
तक़दीर अपनी संवारे ..

हो कुछ तुम सोचो कुछ हम सोचें
फिर खुशी का मौसम आए ……