

Its all about thats on my mind…….


March 2014

Daily Prompt: Singing the Blues

We all feel down from time to time. How do you combat the blues? What’s one tip you can share with others that always helps to lift your spirits?


Crying the river was the only way so far that opted when it was to singing blues. Let the silent tears roll out as long as they do, and relief what I had  at the end of it. They say it heals more if we cry with someone, but I prefer it all alone.

I totally understand this way of singing blues can never lead me to solution, but that is what works for me at least to feel better at the moment.

I wont say this way as to tip to anyone to use for singing blues, but yes to cry is ok than choking up.

Daily Prompt: Born to Be With You

Got a soul-mate and/or a best friend? What is it about that person that you love best? Describe them in great detail — leave no important quality out.



A friend, best friend and the soul mate then…! This is how he transitioned and turned from a stranger to soul-mate, that long journey it is..

He is the same fellow with whom my life started having “Boys” as friends. (He is not aware of this fact yet), as he never bothered for who all I have around. For him it was his presence in my hour of need was the only thing that mattered. Give him a shout, and I was assured the response, no expectations in return, yes absolutely nothing. This fact made me count on him as “Best Buddy” over a period of time. Being introvert by nature, it was next to impossible for me stand for whole new city and the all new life there by, just assuring words of him made me face and stand what all was coming my way.

He lives with the simple principle, “Live the time when it lasts”. And I am exactly opposite being always busy with the memories of the past or anxiety of the future. Hats off to his patients to push me out of this at least to some percent. Ask him, it was no easy task. I tend to spend hours together to find why particular problem is there in reality at all,when it is nothing wrong that I did, and what the solution can be is that he thinks of the exact next  moment when he realizes problem is there.

Once decided, its engraved is true for both of us, and that is the only thing we have in common. He talks  a lot, and yours truly is equal and opposite. He has, say odd 100 friends to whom he can count as friends, and number fingers that we have would me more if I am to count on. Extremities is his forte, calculated is risk is what I prefer.

Rock-solid is what I perceived him as long as mere friends that we were. Now that we are progressing a step further, I see how quickly this rock can melt when it is about his truly. Ex-stream sensitive is what I see under the hood of rock solid appearance that he has for rest of the world.

This is what all that forms the soul of my soul mate.

Born to be with you –

its me,

yours truly

Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line

Have you got a code you live by? What are the principles or set of values you actively apply in your life?


Yes, yours truly walks the line. I have my very own concepts of rights and wrongs, and I abide those set of lines no matter what..!To list a few, this is what I follow..

1) Promises are to keep.

2)Be good to others, but don’t waste time proving it.

3)Commitments are meant to met, be it be personal/professional life.

4)If you think you can show me bad for no reason, I wont mind showing the worst for the same reason..! (yeah I mean it when I say it)

5)Stand for the right things no matter what..

6)Once decided, its engraved.

7)Being punctual is mandate.

Well these are a few those popped up whilst I was reading the daily prompt. I need to compile detailed list and my be post it here sometime later.. 🙂

note to self….!

High time to have a motivation pill… Just listing that all down..

# Accept or Change..
# You can close your eyes to what you don’t want to see, but you cannot close your heart to things you don’t want to feel..
# It is indeed not the oceans fault if you approach it with a tea spoon..
# What doesn’t kill you makes you strong..
# Live the time till it lasts..
# Conflict builds character, crisis defines it…
# As long as you are breathing, it is never too late to start again..

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